Hu Zhengming, Chief Technology Officer of TSMC and Honorary Distinguished Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, said that semiconductors improve human life and save energy by a thousand times, and related industries need global cooperation very much. 2022.08.29
On the 27th, the Yushan Science and Technology Association of West America held the first physical forum in three years with the theme of "Renaissance of Semiconductors". "Does the world need better semiconductors? How long can the semiconductor boom last? Can the world afford it?" Keynote speaker Hu Zhengming shared from these three aspects.
Almost everyone uses semiconductor-related products in their daily life or work. Hu Zhengming said that the purpose of new technologies such as the metaverse is to make people happier, and the special feature of semiconductor technology is that it is small, "the smaller the better", and improves the quality of human life.
He said, "Semiconductor saves more than a thousand times energy in data processing", which is also a key factor for the semiconductor industry to survive under global warming.
Hu Zhengming is the Chief Technology Officer of TSMC, a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Science and Technology Innovation, and an Honorary Distinguished Professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
他引用1947年美國貝爾實驗室發明半導體電晶體3位物理學家的背景為例,巴丁(John Bardeen)來自威斯康辛州,夏克萊(William Shockley)出生英國、移居加州,而布萊坦(Walter Houser Brattain)是在中國廈門出生的美國人,強調半導體人才全球合作的重要性。
這場在加州古柏迪諾(Cupertino)舉行的論壇,引言人為玉山科技協會祕書長、Wintec執行長鄭詠升(David Jeng),包括NVIDIA技術和晶圓廠管理副總裁陳遠台(John Chen),前鴻海科技副總裁、鴻海董事李傑(Jay Lee),日月光工程副總裁張翔勁 (Calvin Cheung),Silicon Motion總裁范承華(Robert Fan),聯華電子副總劉士維 (Steven Liu)以及onsemi首席採購長、美西玉山副理事長曾雅君(Nana Tseng)共同與談。